[CTCAccess] Event live captioning policies?

Lentini, Marc MLENTINI at highline.edu
Mon Jul 6 07:38:39 PDT 2020

Knock knock… hi CTC accessibility folks, I’m hoping this list is still on, and you’re still there.

At Highline, we’ve been working on an accessible events checklist. We’re struggling with what to do about live captioning, and I’d like to check in and see if you’ve seen any practices on this.

We’ve been proactively live captioning our signature events for two years now. These are events that we know draw 75+ (big for us) up to several hundred attendees. We’re seeing a lot of demand for proactive captioning at smaller events as well, and this is where we run into The Resource Challenge. On the one hand, UDL principles would argue that we should caption everything proactively, especially since we have a large population of English language learners. On the other hand, budgets argue for drawing a line somewhere.

Have you figured out how to balance this, or develop guidelines for events, maybe based on size, audience make-up, or other characteristics?


Marc Lentini | Director of Educational Technology | Highline College
v: (206) 592-3778 | http://people.highline.edu/mlentini | @malapertmarc

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