[CTCAccess] Accessibility Micro-Courses On the Horizon

Jess Thompson jess.thompson at sbctc.edu
Thu Jan 31 14:41:32 PST 2019

Hello, hello!

I’ve fallen silent for a bit because I have been drowning, er, joyously swimming in the accessibility training course redesign.

As I explained in the last blog post<https://wordpress.com/post/accesswa.blog/265>, we’re breaking our 4-week Accessibility 101 course into a collection of “micro-courses” so that folks can have more freedom to mix and match lessons and set a pace of completion that fits their routine/schedule.

As these micro-courses are built, the new and improved resources are being added to our public facing resource: http://bit.ly/sbctcaccess.

Feel free to check out the new resources – they dive a bit deeper into the topics and are meant to lay the foundation for some intermediate level micro-courses that are on the horizon (which I’m so excited about).

Another exciting change to the resources is the addition to self-check questions and practice documents. Formal assessments (which will result in a digital badge) will be reserved for participants in the “official” training — release date TBD.

If you are interested in piloting the first wave of micro-courses, I’m collecting names in this short survey<https://goo.gl/forms/Ehs0UQpiVnV8V3rJ3>.

Hope Winter term is going smoothly for you all,


Jess Thompson
Program Administrator, Accessible Technology Initiatives
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
p: 360.704.4327 | c: 253.229.8591
Current Projects<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KXjxctpTAa2R06iRksMrjaeiCkphAJzqkwX-awvJh9g/edit?usp=sharing> | AccessWA Blog<https://accesswa.blog> | Accessibility Lessons<https://sbctc.instructure.com/courses/1578604/><https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KXjxctpTAa2R06iRksMrjaeiCkphAJzqkwX-awvJh9g/edit?usp=sharing>

Keep in the accessibility loop by joining the CTC Accessibility listserv<https://goo.gl/forms/CP1GHPl6Pe1ipD6q1>!

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