[CTCAccess] Accessibility 101 Train the Trainer

Jess Thompson jess.thompson at sbctc.edu
Thu Mar 8 10:59:37 PST 2018


In hopes of better keeping up with the overwhelming demand for Accessibility 101, I am trying to measure interest in an Accessibility 101 Train the Trainer event.

If you (or someone you know) might be interested, please encourage them to fill out this survey: https://goo.gl/forms/7bRRc1bKkoZni2C93

The survey is to determine the extent of interest in order to pull together some events - the number of offerings and locations depending on the responses to this survey.


Jess Thompson
Program Administrator, Accessible Technology Initiatives
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
p: 360.704.4327 | c: 253.229.8591
Current Projects<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KXjxctpTAa2R06iRksMrjaeiCkphAJzqkwX-awvJh9g/edit?usp=sharing> | AccessWA Blog<https://accesswa.blog> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KXjxctpTAa2R06iRksMrjaeiCkphAJzqkwX-awvJh9g/edit?usp=sharing>

Keep in the accessibility loop by joining the CTC Accessibility listserv<https://goo.gl/forms/CP1GHPl6Pe1ipD6q1>!

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