[BLC] Students with Graduate Degrees Doing BAS Degrees

Powers, Tanya tpowers at highline.edu
Tue Oct 31 13:30:07 PDT 2023

Greetings all,

I hope you're all doing well!

I was curious what your programs were doing with graduate level credits for students entering our BAS programs? It doesn't happen frequently, but it does happen for us. Particularly if they are entering a similar discipline? Do you make substitutions? Is it more difficult to apply the credit?

Warmest regards,

Tanya Powers, Ed.D.

Associate Dean for BAS and Workforce Pathways

tpowers at highline.edu<mailto:tpowers at highline.edu>

(206) 592-3662

(206) 592-3780 (FAX)

Book appointment here: https://tinyurl.com/48aycduw



We would like to acknowledge the people whose land we are gathered on today. Present day Des Moines is located on the traditional village sites of the Muckleshoot, Puyallup and many other Coast Salish tribes who made their homes on these lands and along these waters.

Let us also acknowledge the robust Indigenous communities made up of tribal diversity that originate from around the country, and whose journeys have brought them here and to other locations by ways of forced displacement or seeking opportunities.

Today the same communities celebrate their heritage, showing resilience and tenacity that would be greatly admired by their ancestors.
— Inspired by Se-ah-dom Edmo and Dr. Christine Dupres, Portland

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